10556 E 46TH TER KANSAS CITY, MO 64133
- Multi-family (5 or more units) / Resale (MLS)

Property Details for 10556 E 46TH TER, KANSAS CITY, MO 64133
- Price/sqft: $134
- Lot Size: 3530 sq. ft.
- Stories: 2
- Roof Type: GABLE OR HIP
- Heating: 8
- Exterior Walls: Siding (Alum/Vinyl)
- Year Built: 01/01/2007
- Property ID: 919706000
- Parcel Number: 32-620-03-91-00-0-00-000
- Property Type: Multi-family (5 or more units)
- County: JACKSON
- Legal Description: TIMBERS EAST---PT LOT 7 DAF: BEG NW COR SD LOT 7 TH S 86 DEG 44 MIN 00 SE C E 30.12 TH S 03 DEG 16 DEG 40 MIN 14 SEC W 10.5 TH S 03 DEG 19 MIN 46 SEC W 36 TH S 86 DEG 44 MIN 00 SECE 5.5 TH S 03 DE MIN 14 SEC E 12 TH N 03 DEG 19 MIN 46 SEC E 17.67 TH
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