1220 S 14TH ST SABETHA, KS 66534
- Mobile or Manufactured Home / Resale (MLS)
Property Details for 1220 S 14TH ST, SABETHA, KS 66534
- Price/sqft: $41
- Lot Size: 40946 sq. ft.
- Total Units: 1
- Roof Type: Metal
- Heating: 4
- Exterior Walls: Wood
- Year Built: 01/01/1997
- Property ID: 940060793
- Parcel Number: 066-081-12-0-20-02-021.00-0
- Property Type: Mobile or Manufactured Home
- County: NEMAHA
- Legal Description: SLOSSON BROTHER'S ADD.,SABETHA, S12, T02, R14, BLOCK 22, LOTS 9-12 & S 90' LOTS 1-4 & ADJ VAC ALLEY / LOT WIDTH: 210.0 LOT
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