- Vacant Land / Resale (MLS)

Property Details for 2449 CONSTELLATION CIR, ROSEVILLE, CA 95747
- Lot Size: 3712 sq. ft.
- Year Built: 01/01/2024
- Property ID: 938951164
- Parcel Number: 498-330-060-000
- Property Type: Vacant Land
- County: PLACER
- Legal Description: LOT 60 FEDERICO-PHASE 1 VILLAGE 20B MOR GG-03
Contact Info for 2449 CONSTELLATION CIR, ROSEVILLE, CA 95747
This is NOT a Foreclosure listing. It is a traditional Resale (MLS) listing. Negotiate your purchase with the sellers agent.
Price Information
FirstAmerican Estimates
Local Info for 2449 CONSTELLATION CIR, ROSEVILLE, CA 95747
Education 95747
- Not High School Graduates 36.79%
- Some College 23.96%
- Bachelor’s Degree 7.74%
- Graduate Degree 3.06%
- Closest Two-year Public College
HEALD COLLEGE ROSEVILLE (4 miles) - Closest Four-year Public College
Age 95747
- Infants and Children: 5,816
- Teens: 1,816
- 20 - 39 yrs old: 7,627
- 40 - 59 yrs old: 6,664
- 60 + yrs old: 2,763
Income 95747
95747 - ROSEVILLE, California
- Median Per Capita Income: $41,781
- Median Household Income: $107,005
- Average Household Income: $126,399
- Average Individual Income: $45,799
- Income Change Since 2010: $16.31
- Median Per Capita Income: n/a
- Median Household Income: $79,908
- Average Household Income: $112,658
- Average Individual Income: $38,520
- Income Change Since 2010: $25.40
Crime 95747
95747 - ROSEVILLE, California
- Total Crime Risk : 93
- Personal Crime Risk : 74
- Murder Risk : 80
- Rape Risk : 81
- Robbery Risk : 27
- Assault Risk : 95
- Property Crime Risk : 99
- Burglary Risk : 131
- Larceny Risk : 122
- Motor Vehicle Theft Risk : 82
- Total Crime Risk : 208
- Personal Crime Risk : n/a
- Murder Risk : n/a
- Rape Risk : n/a
- Robbery Risk : n/a
- Assault Risk : n/a
- Property Crime Risk : n/a
- Burglary Risk : n/a
- Larceny Risk : n/a
- Motor Vehicle Theft Risk : n/a
Environment 95747
95747 - ROSEVILLE, California
- Average Annual Rainfall : 24.61
- Air Pollution Index : 80.00
- Average July Temperature: (°F) 77.70
- Average July High Temperature: (°F) 94.80
- Average January Temperature: (°F) 46.90
- Average January Low Temperature: (°F) 39.20
- Average Annual Rainfall : 21.25
- Air Pollution Index : 115.00
- Average July Temperature: (°F) 76.01
- Average July High Temperature: n/a
- Average January Temperature: (°F) 44.71
- Average January Low Temperature: (°F) 33.74
Demographic 95747
- White: 16,045
- Black: 7,781
- Indian: 62
- Asian: 223
- Hawaiian: 0
- Other Race: 575
- Hispanic/Latino: 336
- Male: 47.55%
- Female: 52.45%
Neighborhood 95747
95747 - ROSEVILLE, California
- Population: 76,741
- Number of Households: 27,773
- Family Households: 20,949
- Average Family Size: 3.42
- Population Density (persons per square mile): 1,801
- Population Change Since 2010: 46.33%
- Closest Major Airport: Sacramento International (14 miles)
- Closest Major Sports Team: SACRAMENTO KINGS (13 miles)
- Population: 39,794,614
- Number of Households: 13,468,305
- Family Households: 9,318,526
- Average Family Size: 3.66
- Population Density (persons per square mile): 256
- Population Change Since 2010: 6.82%
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