3412 34TH AVE W SEATTLE, WA 98199
- Townhouse or Condo / Resale (MLS)
Property Details for 3412 34TH AVE W, SEATTLE, WA 98199
- Price/sqft: $584
- Lot Size: 1157 sq. ft.
- Total Units: 1
- Stories: 2
- Heating: 8
- Year Built: 01/01/2022
- Property ID: 796672056
- Parcel Number: 682110-1795
- Property Type: Townhouse or Condo
- County: KING
- Legal Description: PLEASANT VALLEY ADD UNIT LOT V OF SEATTLE SP 3035422-LU REC #20220407900004 SD SP BEING A POR OF LOTS 14-16 BLK 15 OF SD ADD
- Zoning: LR1 (M)
Foreclosure Info
- REO Document Number: 2023.777
- REO Recording Date: 2023-11-03 00:00:00.0
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