4430 NILE RD NACHES, WA 98937
- Single Family Home / Resale (MLS)
Property Details for 4430 NILE RD, NACHES, WA 98937
- Price/sqft: $186
- Lot Size: 3.14 acres
- Total Units: 1
- Total Rooms: 8
- Stories: 2
- Roof Type: GABLE
- Heating: 4
- Construction Type: Wood
- Exterior Walls: Wood Siding
- Year Built: 01/01/1985
- Property ID: 927511963
- MLS Number: 2273311
- Parcel Number: 151628-12015
- Property Type: Single Family Home
- County: Yakima
- Legal Description: SECTION 28 TOWNSHIP 16 RANGE 15 QUARTER NE BEG AT ANGLE PT ON W'LY LN LOT 51 OF NILE ELK RIDGE ADD, TH S 81^ 03' 00 W 30.1 FT, TH S 04^ 14' 00 E 312 FT, TH S 78^ 24' 00 W 614 FT, TH N 00^ 17' 00 W 350 FT, TH N 14^ 19' 00 E 359.7 FT, TH S 76^ 38' 40 E
- Zoning: R10/5
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