6414 52ND ST KENOSHA, WI 53144
- Townhouse or Condo / Resale (MLS)
Property Details for 6414 52ND ST, KENOSHA, WI 53144
- Price/sqft: $165
- Lot Size: 87120 sq. ft.
- Stories: 1.5
- Heating: 4
- Exterior Walls: Brick
- Year Built: 01/01/1948
- Property ID: 790224051
- Parcel Number: 08-222-34-276-003
- Property Type: Townhouse or Condo
- County: KENOSHA
- Legal Description: 683-H PT NW 1/4 SEC 34 T 2 R22 COM 60 FT N OF SE COR 1/4 W 30 FT TO BEG N 291 FT W 300 FT S 291 FT E 300 FT TO POB ANNEXATION
- Zoning: RS1
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